BWAPI 4.3.0 support
BASIL now supports BWAPI 4.3.0. Thanks Hannes Bredberg for the new release!
According to him, it should be a drop-in replacement. Check out the BWAPI 4.3.0 release.
Some people asked me where to get my updated sc-docker or the TM modules I used. It is all open source and mostly forked stuff:
- My sc-docker fork.
- The source of the tournament module being used.
- And finally, the ladder code for BASIL itself.
A small note on Docker issues:
I can’t speak for Windows, but for Linux, sc-docker seems relatively stable. I use a recent 18.x.y docker version and upgraded multiple times without encountering any problems.
The “Readme” in sc-docker refers to a pretty old version used in the initial setup. It works for most people, so if it does for you - do not mind me. But: There should be no problems running on one of the latest versions of docker.